Hanes a dogfennau
History & records
Prisiadau a threthi tir
Property taxes and valuations

Treth Aelwyd, 1670

Hearth Tax, 1670

Llanganvelin Paresh

Lady Day, 1670

Owen Lloyd gen 3
John Lloyd gen 2
John Griffith Evan
Owen Thomas John
James John
Elizabeth Lloyd widd
Thomas Pugh miller
Morgan Evan 2
Richard Griffith Evan 1 et 1
Owen Morgan
Thomas Prise Esqr 6
Morgan Hugh
James Rees
Richard John Humphrey
John Morgan
Owen Thomas Moris
Griffith Thomas
Lewis John Griffith
Moris Richard
Evan Howell
Moris Evan
Moris Morgan
Griffith David
Rees Morgan in 2 houses 2
David Lloyd gen 3
Evan John
Hugh Rees
Jenkin Rees
Owen Rees
Thomas Jones 2
Griffith John 2
[Gr]iffith Evan
Richard Griffiths 2 houses

persons under value

Rees Moris
Rees Pugh
Richard David
Owen Evan
Thomas Morgan
John David Griffith
Rees Moris
Morgan Hugh
John Hugh
David Harry
Richard Griffith
Mary Griffith
Moris Morgan
John Ffisher
Rowland John Morris
Richard William
William David
Morgan Howell
David Thomas
Oliver John
Evan Morgan
Margret Hugh widd
Margret Lloyd
Thomas Argas (?) 2
Walter Robert

There are ___ psons in this parish which Receaves constant almes and are therefore omitted.

PRO E179 219/94
- Copi o adysgrifiawd yn LlGC/NLW, (Facs 644)

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