Hanes a dogfennau
History & records

Crwydriaid - ble maen nhw nawr?

Strays - where are they now?

Dros y blynyddoedd mae trigolion y plwyf yn mynd a dod. Mae pobl newydd yn symud i mewn, ac eraill yn mynd i ffŵrdd, am resymau amrywiol.

Mae'n anodd i ddod o hyd i olion y pobl sydd wedi mynd, ac mae'n digwydd drwy ddamwain a hap, fel arfer. Ar wahân i fanylion Cyfrifiad 1881, lle mae'n bosibl chwilio am bobl unrhywle ym Mhrydain Fawr a ganwyd yn y plwyf, danganfuwyd y manylion yn yr adran hon drwy siawns, neu sydd wedi'u rhoi i ni gan eu disgynyddion.

A ddaeth un o'ch hynafiaid o Langynfelyn? Os felly, dywedwch i ni amdanynt, a fydden eu hychwanegu i'r safle.

Over the years the inhabitants of the parish come and go. New people move in, and some people move away, for a variety of reasons.

Tracing people who have left is very difficult, and largely a matter of chance. Apart from the 1881 Census details, where we can systematically search for people born in the parish, the details in this section have largely been found by accident, or have been given to us by their descendants.

Did one of your ancestors come from Llangynfelyn? If so, please tell us about them, and we will add them to the site.

Cofnodion ar y safle

Records on the site

  • Census 1881. People born in the parish but who had moved away at the time of the 1881 Census.
  • Assorted strays Miscellaneous references found by chance.
  • Ancestors The ancestors of users of the website.
  • Some emigrants to Oregon Article about a number of people from the area who emigrated to the USA.

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