Number on plan | Description of property purchased | Particulars of existing lease | Name of present Lessee |
1 | All that piece or parcel of land formerly part of a certain Common and waste lands called Commins y Dafarnfach situate in the Lordship of Geneurglyn in the County of Cardigan containing in length and breadth as follows viz In length the upper side 44 yards and the lower side 36 yards. In breadth at one end 44 yards and at the other end 25 yards or thereabouts with the Cottages and outbuildings with gardens thereon | Lease dated 27th March 1820 between Morris Davies of the one hand and Lewis Roberts of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12 May 1820 at the yearly rent of £1.5.0 | Abraham James of Glanfread |
2 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 29th September 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and Owen Owens of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of 12s/-(being a moiety of the yearly rent of £1.4.0 reserved by the said lease in respect of the 2 messuages or dwelling houses therein mentioned and the Fee simple of the Southernmost one of which has subsequent to the date of the said lease and prior to the date of the above written Indenture been granted to John Arthur) | Henry Pritchard |
3 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 21st July 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and William Williams of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | David Thomas |
4 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 29th September 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and Thomas Williams of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Edward Thomas, Miner |
5 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 23rd December 1837 between Morris Davies of the one part and Mesac James of the other part for a term of 89 years from 12th May 1837 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Catherine Jones, Widow |
6 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 29th September 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and William Joness of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Thomas Jones, Post Office Taliesin |
7 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 29th September 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and Stephen Owens of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Richard Evans, Miner |
8 | All that piece or parcel of land with the two several messuages, dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 25th August 1827 between Morris Davies of the one part and John Joness of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1827 at the yearly rent of £1.10.0 | Margaret Jones, Taliesin, Widow |
9 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 12th March 1828 between Morris Davies of the one part and Enoch Jones of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th November 1827 at the yearly rent of £1.10.0 | David Thomas |
10 | All those several pieces or parcels of pasture land and occupation road containing by estimation 14 acres and 6 perches or thereabouts formerly divided into 3 Closes or fields lying contiguous to each other situate at or near Tretaliesin in the Parish of Llancynfelin in the County of Cardigan | Lease dated 16th March 1832 between Morris Davies of the one part and Hugh Rowlands of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1832 at the yearly rent of £11 | Mrs Owens Tanllan, Mrs Owens Dolclettwr, Mrs Davies Black Lion Inn Talybont |
11 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 10th May 1830 between Morris Davies of the one part and John Lloyd of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1830 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Lewis Lloyd |
12 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 14th May 1821 between Morris Davies of the one part and Edward Edwards of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1821 at the yearly rent of 12s/- | Edward Lloyd Taliesin Shopkeeper |
13 | All that piece or parcel of land and roadway with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 4th June 1833 between James Davies of the one part and John Evans of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1833 at the yearly rent of £2.10.0 | Thomas Davies Vagwyrfach |
14 | All those pieces or parcels of land with the messuages or dwelling houses and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 10th August 1829 between Morris Davies of the one part and Thomas Davies of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1829 at the yearly rent of £1.12.0 | John Davies and David Davies |
15 | All that piece or parcel of land with the messuage or dwelling house and outbuildings thereon and gardens situate lying and being in Tretaliesin aforesaid | Lease dated 16th June 1829 between Morris Davies of the one part and Edward Jones of the other part for a term of 99 years from 12th May 1829 at the yearly rent of 16s/- | Mary Jones Taliesin Spinster |