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The Cambrian News 1874

2 Jan 1874


CHRISTMAS DAY. A plygain was given at the church at 6 a.m. when the Rev T R Maurice MA preached a very appropriate sermon from 2nd chapter of Luke, 11th and 12th verses. The hymns that were sung wwere "Adeste Fideles" and the 58 from "Hymnau hen a newydd". The Anglican chants were used on the occasion. The united choir sang very efficiently the anthems "How beautiful upon the mountains" music by Woodbury, and "Hail Judea! Happy land" Mr H R Owen Tanllan, presided at the harmonium. The church was very tastefully decorated by Mrs Vaughton, Gwynfryn, assisted by the churchwarden and members of the choir. At 10 a.m.the communion was administered by the Rev. Mr Maurice. In the morning the church was crowded.


CHRISTMAS. A tea party and a concert were held in the Wesleyan Chapel on Christmas Day. The tea was laid on the table at three o'clock when a large number of friends partook of the good things placed before them. The concert commenced at six o'clock when the chair was occupied by Mr Jones, Glanmorfa. Solos were sung by Mis Mary Jones, Miss Frances Davies and Messrs John Davies and Thomas Jones. Songs and choruses by Messrs Davies, J Jones, Thomas Jones, William Jones, William Owen, Edward Felix, the Misses Davies, Jones and parties: selections by Mr D G Humphreys, and choruses by the Talybont and United Choirs. The singing was on the whole very fair, the audience large and well conducted, the Chairman presiding with his usual tact and ability, and the amount realized was very considerable.

16 Jan 1874


The Sanitary stae of Tre'rddol The state of Tre'rddol was then brought up the Chairman (H.C.Fryer) remarking that nearly every house contained a pauper, and some of the houses were in a wretched state. The Inspector said he was about to go to that place and see to the nuisances.

23 Jan 1874


"Treddolian" does not comply with our rule, to send his name and address (in confidence) therefore his letter is omitted. He will find another on the same subject.


Sir; To my great surprise I read in your paper of Friday last a few extraordinary statements made by Mr H C Fryer, whilst acting as Chairman of the Rural Sanitary Authority, at a meeting of that body in Aberystwyth on the previous Monday. He is reported to have said, in effect, that there were many wretched houses in Tre'rddol, and that there was a pauper in nearly every house in that village. This is decidedly an exageration, and your editorial remarks, based upon Mr Fryer's statements, are therefore not altogether applicable to the real facts of the case. Tre'rddol contains 205 inhabitants, 23 of whom are paupers. The number of houses in the village is 46 of which only 13 contain paupers. Some of the last mentioned houses are in good condition, and the thirty-three without paupers are by no means in such a wretched state as anyone reading the Cambrian News would suppose. At different meetings of the rural sanitary authority, allusions have been made to the fact that a privy, belonging to the Trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel, has been erected close to the Pistyll Gwyn brook. Mr Morris Jones, the medical officer, was requested to examine and report upon the place. He did so and reported that the privy was twenty five feet from the brook, and did not think there was yet any cause of complaint from contamination of the brook by sewage. He made various suggestions with the view of preventing any possible nuisance arising from the privy but nothing has yet been done. The privy is built on the slope of a hill, at the distance mentioned, but the ground rises ten feet to the place where the privy is built above the level of the brook, and the sewage can easily find its way into the brook down the crevices of the rock. The ground at the back of the privy rises to a considerable height, and is a great watershed, the water working its way between the soil and the rock. The most reasonable remedy I can suggest would be to have pipes laid from the privy to conduct the sewage to a place where it cannot possibly contaminate water that is much used for domestic purposes. I do not wish to cause any unnecessary expense; but of this I am certain, that unless something is immediately done to preserve Pistyll Gwyn brook from contamination, a letter will be written to the Secretary of State, asking for the attendance of a Government Inspector, as several residents here are determined to take action in the matter if the Rural Sanitary Authority will not.
Thanking you for the insertion of this letter, I am etc
Tre'rddol Jan 19th 1874.

30 Jan 1874


Pistyll Gwyn Brook The Chairman said before he had left the town there was some conversation about a privy belonging to the Wesleyan Chapel at Tre'rddol. Mr Fryer said the medical officer had named a certain number of yards showing the distance the privy was situated from the brook; but the privy was built upon sloping ground which was composed of a slatey kind of rock, and the nuisance was sure to affect the brook. Mr James said he should recommend the Board to order the removal of the privy. The Inspector said he had intended asking the Board's sanction to that course. He did not see why the law should not be carried out in the present as in other cases. The Chairman said they must issue a notice, stating that if they did not immediately build a tank or put it into some other satisfactory state to the approval of the Inspector of nuisances and the medical officer, the privy would be removed. The Inspector said they had been told what was necessary to be done. The Chairman said they would have the notice served at once. Mr James said it was best to have the privy removed and that would get rid of the nuisance. The Chairman said the Board would make an order for its bodily removal because it was not in a proper position. He asked if there was plenty of room to build it on some other spot. The Inspector and Mr James replied that there was plenty of ground where the privy could be erected, and where it would not contaminate the water of the brook.


The Inspector reported that he did not know any other village where there were so many animals or so many nuisances, some by the houses and some by the side of the rod. He had served notices upon the inhabitants.


The Inspector also reported that he had served notices upon some of the inhabitants, who had since removed the nuisances.


COMPRESSED PEAT Sir, I have received several letters of enquiry from very influential parties relative to the compression of peat: and I need scarcely observe that I have given all the information in my power to these enquiries, but I am sorry to say that up to this date nothing has been done in the matter, and it is with a hope of calling the attention of the public to this scheme that I am now penning these few lines thinking it not improbable that by making known the facilities for obtaining this article of fuel through your widelyspread journal, some party or parties may be induced to come forward and carry out the necessary arrangements for supplying the inhbitants of this and surrounding counties with cheap fuel, where it can be so easily obtained, more especially as the price of coals are so enormously high to all customers. ...omitted bit about Cors caron... in the neighbourhood of Borth and extending to Taliesin and Trerddol villages, millions of tons of good peat exists, and could be compressed at a small cost, and would bring in a vast quantity of ground for agricultural purposes: and through this bog the Cambrian Railway passes, and would convey any quantity of it northward. It cannot be doubted that before many years expire steam power will be required to work the deepest mines in the county: and in order to do so peat in nearly every case could be obtained near the mines...
I am etc
Absolam Francis.

13 February 1874


The Wesleyan Chapel Tre'rddol The Chairman said the first thing they had to consider was the question relating to the Wesleyan Chapel, Tre'rddol. Had there been any communication received from the owners at all? The Inspector said they wanted an extension of the time as they were going to build some back premises as well as the privy. The Chairman remarked that it had been said that seven days' notice was too short, and it would be only reasonable to extend the time. An extension of the time was accordingly given.

27 March 1874


Inspector's Report ...I am glad to say the upper houses, belonging to Mr James Davies, Taliesin, are having sash windows put in. I hope the drainage will be proceeded with... ...There is another case, which in justice to myself, I am bound to report again, and that is the Tre'rddol privy. The repeated promises have not been carried out, and they ought not to be allowed more time than poor people, who have no ground for removing their nuisances. Although the roof has been taken off, the privy is still being used as before, and the work is still in danger of being polluted. The case has been so repeatedly before the board, and given so much unnecessary trouble, that I now ask for the assistance of the Board to have this nuisance abated without further delay.
The Drainage of Villages The question of draining Taliesin, Talybont and other villages was then discussed....the drainage was a serious thing. How could they drain Tre'rddol? The Inspector said there was no fall for the sewage there....The Inspector said Taliesin was in the same state as Talybont and wanted drainage as badly. Mr Fryer said one was not better than the other. All the villages were in the same state.
The Tre'rddol Privy again The privy belonging to the Wesleyan Chapel Trerddol...was again reported on. Mr Fryer said he saw the other day the roof had been taken off. The Inspector said the inhabitants were complaining badly about the nuisance. ...The Chairman thought the trustees ought to be summoned. The Inspector said there was no excuse for them as they had plenty of time. He had served a notice on them on the 27th January. The Clerk asked if that was the place about which there had been so much talk. The Inspector said it had been all talk. He also remarked that it was his opinion that the outhouse they were about to erect would be a nuisance to the house, though it would not endanger the purity of the brook. Mr Fryer did not think the outhouse would cause a nuisance. ...the Inspector had visited the place six times on different days to see if the work had been done. Mr James: it is too bad. The Chairman: it is too bad, for they are people who can do the work. If they won't do it by fair means they must by other means. A summons was ordered to be issued against the trustees.
Overcrowding The Inspector called the boards attention to the large number of cases of overcrowding in Talybont...though Taliesin was quite as bad, if not worse.


The Cambrian News and Aberystwyth Times. The Cambrian News is sold by agents in the following places: Taliesin Mr D Jones.

3 April 1874


Melancholy Boat Accident. William Owen, Llanerch, and his daughter, went out in a small boat to gather rushes about the estuary of the Dovey, on Tuesday March 31st, and did not return home that night. Search was made early next morning, and the boat was found capsized near the railway bridge below Trerddol. The bodies were then grappled for and found near the spot. The old man had been accustomed to the river all his life. We shall give a full report of the inquest next week.

10 April 1874

TRE'RDDOL - PETTY SESSIONS. Before Sir Pryse Pryse, H C Fryer and Thomas Jones.
Poaching John James, Lodge Park, summoned John James of Tynycornel, for (trespassing in search of game). As complainant was going through Wenffrwd Wood he saw defendants laying down nets by a rabbit warren. Defendant was accompanied by a boy, who had a ferret in his pocket. Fined 40s. and costs.
Sanitary Prosecutions Mr W H Davies, Sanitary Inspector, summoned D Williams of Tynllwyn and Thos. Rees of Tre'rddol for not having removed the nuisance known as the "Tre'rddol Privy". Ordered to remove the privy and refuse before Saturday night, April 4th.: in default, 2s6d for each day the nuisance remained.


Mr J M Davies, Coroner, held an inquest on Saturday 4th April at the Half Way House, on the bodies of Wm and Mary Owen, who were drowned in the River Clettwr on the 31st March. The following were the jury: Messrs Thomas Thomas, foreman, D Edwards, W Daniel, J Jones, D Williams, J Davies, R Morris, W James, O Owens, T Jones, J Roberts and D Morgans. It appears that the old man, who was sixty-six years of age, was in the habit of going down the river to get rushes for the neighbours pigs, and sometimes staid out the whole of the day. Having loaded his boat with the rushes his daughter Mary, a girl of nineteen, went after him, and assisted in pulling the boat home. On the day when the accident occured, he started out about six o'clock, and having proceeded some way down the river, turned up a small creek and commenced his labours. His daughter followed about seven o'clock with the intention of pulling the boat up the river, and it is supposed they started out from the creek in the boat together, and when they arrived at the opening the main current of water caught the boat and carried it in the opposite direction from Tre'rddol, and doubtless in the confusion of the moment the boat was upset, and the occupants met with their death. Nothing of the affair, however, was known at Tre'rddol until about nine o'clock at night on the Tuesday, when a friend of the widow's, missing her from chapel, went to the cottage to ascertain the cause of her absence, the poor old woman was found crying, and said she feared there was something wrong, and search was immediately made, but without success that night, but they found a jacket belonging to the girl. On the next day the bodies were found in the manner described in the evidence given before the jury. Mary Owen, widow of the deceased, said the dead bodies were those of her husband and daughter, who went out on Tuesday 31st to get a boat load of rushes from the banks of the river Clettwr. She knew nothing more concerning the matter, excepting that the bodies were found on 1st April. John Lloyd, a miner, said he found the bodies in the river Clettwr, about eight feet apart, and the boat about 300 yards higher up the river towards the sea. He and others had been out the day before looking for the bodies, believing the old man and his daughter were drowned. There was no reason to think they received any unfair treatment from anyone. Mr Richard Morris asked what time witness first heard of the accident. Witness answered that he heard of it on the night of the 31st, when a man informed him there ws reason to believe William Owen and his daughter were drowned. Upon hearing that about a dozen of them went out to search, but only found Mary Owen's jacket. They went down the river on Wednesday morning at five o'clock, and at eleven the bodies were found. Mr J Jones asked if they found the boat on the first night. Witness said they did not; but on the following morning, about six o'clock, they saw something sticking up out of the water, and there they found the boat. Mr T D Harris, surgeon, North Parade, Aberystwyth, said he had examined the bodies and found a few marks upon the face. They were not marks of violence, and had probably been caused after death. There was nothing whatever to lead him to think they came by their deaths otherwise than by drowning, as their countenances were quite calm and placid, as was usual in cases of drowning. The Coroner said the jury had heard the evidence, and there appeared to be nothing to indicate wrong dealing on the part of anyone. The jury were well acquainted with the unfortunate people's circumstances, as they were neighbours, and were consequently in a position to weigh the evidence and bring in a verdict. The jury immediately returned a verdict of "Accidentaly drowned on the 31st March in the river Clettwr". Since the accident took place the neighbours of the widow have shown their sympathy with her in her bereavement, and have coleected about £15, with which they intend to pay the funeral expenses, and afterwards erect a small memorial stone to the deceased'd memory. The jury very kindly handed over their fees to the collectors - the Rev R Davies and Mr R Morris, schoolmaster. Mr D Edwards acted as treasurer.

24 April 1874


(Aberystwyth) At the police station, before the mayor, Thomas Jones of Taliesin, miner, was fined 5s, including costs, for being drunk and noisy in Northgate Street, on the 19th April.

8 May 1874


We are pleased to be able to record that Mr D R Thomas, Taliesin, a pupil of Mr Llywelyn Edwards, Irwell House School, North Parade, Aberystwyth, has passed the preliminary pharmaceutical examinations.

15 May 1874


Hard Names Jane Thomas , Tre'rddol, charged Elizabeth Richards with having, on Friday April24th, come out of her house as complainant was passing and called her a thief, swindler and other abusive names. Mary Evans also gave evidence as to the foul language, and defendant was bound over in £1, and one surety in £1, to keep the peace towards complainant for six months.


Marriage Rejoicing On the 29th of April, at Llancynfelyn church, was solemnized the marriage of Miss M Owen, daughter of Mr Owen of Tanllan, agent for Gwynfryn estate, and Capt T Lewis, master of the ship Glen Alfon, son of Capt Lewis, Borth. The ceremony was performed by the Rev D Owen, brother of the bride, assisted by the vicar, the Rev D Lewis. The day was very bright and the place was made to look gay. Flags, streamers etc. were seen along the road. A large number of persons assembled from the surrounding district and villages, and lined the path of the bride. The bridal party walked from the bride's residence to the church, which was close by. The bride was given away by Mr O Owen Dolclettwr, her eldest brother. At Tanllan an elegant dejeuner was provided for the wedding party. There were present many guests, including relatives and friends of both families. Toasts were given and speeches were made by Mr Jones, merchant, Aberdovey, and others. The bride and bridegrooms health was drunk with great enthusiasm. To meet the 2 p.m. train, the happy pair drove in Colonel Vaughan's carriage, which he kindly placed at the service of the bride, to Ynyslas Station, en route through South Wales and the South of England. The train exploded a number of fog signals which had been placed on the line in honour of the event. Other "artillery" was fired during the day, and at night bonfires were lit on various elevations in the district.

29 May 1874

Staement of Receipts and Expenditures on Highways...

Length of highway 8 miles
- balance 1s. 10d.
- Rates £48
Manual labour including contract work £28.19.0
Team labour £9.6.4
Materials £4.6.0
Tradesman's bills £0.8.0
Salaries £10.0.10
Other payments £0.7.10
Total expenditure £53.8.0

29 May 1874


Vestry A vestry of the parishioners of Llancynfelyn was held in the Board Schoolroom, Taliesin, on Friday evening, May 22nd, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of supplying the parish with a proper burial ground. It appears that the present churchyard has been filled over and over again, and that there is no parish in Cardiganshire that requires additional accomodation so much as Llancynfelyn. The only wonder is that the attention of the Home Secretary had not been called to the matter long ago. The chair was occupied by the Rev Mr Lewis, vicar. It had been decided at a previous vestry to extend the present churchyard, and the Ven Archdeacon Jones was communicated with respecting a piece of ground, but no reply had as yet been received. The question to be considered at the vestry was how to get the necessary funds to carry out the scheme. Objections were made by several to levying a rate for the purpose, as such a rate would, it was contended, be a church rate. Ultimately it was decided to carry it out by public subscription.

19 June 1874


On Monday at the Town Hall, before Major Lloyd Phillips, Thomas Bridge, Llancynfelin, was charged with deserting his wife and eight children, who have become chargeable on the parish since last March, and had received a total amount of about £6.10s Mr John Jones, relieving officer, having proved the facts, P.C. Evan Evans said he had fetched the defendant from Bridge End, Glamorganshire, where he was working as a mine sinker. Defendant said he had not been in full work, as his legs and feet were bad. He received 6/6 a day when at work. He "scorned the action" of deserting his wife and family; but he was sentenced to one months imprisonment with hard labour.

3 July 1874


A MAN HUNT. The other day it transpired that a farmer named Evan Jones, Lletyllwydin, near Tre'rddol, was missing from home, and as it was feared something had happened to him, the neighbours commenced a search, which lasted all day. Nothing was seen of the missing man until evening, when he was seen coming home, having been up one of the mountains watching the running to and fro of the people who were in search of him. He of course did not see why there should be such a fuss about him.

14 August 1874


SCHOOL BOARD. The Triennial election of this School Board was held on Thusrday July 6th at Taliesin. Mr Hugh Hughes, Clerk to the guardians was returning officer, and Mr David Jones was polling clerk. There were six candidates for the five seats, and 193 persons recorded their votes. The result of the poll, which was declared by Mr Hughes in the presence of the candidates and their agents at seven o'clock in the evening was: Mr Richard Jenkins, Calvinistic Methodist, Henhavod, 195; Mr H C Fryer, Lodge Park, Established Church, 194; Mr Owen Owens, Dolclettwr, Wesleyan, 176; Mr Thomas Thomas, Neuaddyrynys, Calvinistic Methodist, 169; Mr James Jones, Tymawr Mochno, Established Church, 108; Mr Richard Jones, Glanmorfa, Established Church, 100. The place was rather lively during the election, and Mr Richard Jenkins, Mr Fryer and Mr Thomas Thomas were drawn through the villages of Tre'rddol and Taliesin. The dissenters will have a majority of one on the Board.

28 August 1874


MARRIAGE. This quiet village was the scene of great rejoicings on Tuesday, the 25th August, upon the occasion of the marriage of Mr John Davies builder, with Miss Rowlands of Aberystwyth, which event took place at Llanychaiarn church. Early in the morning it was evident that some event of importance was taking place, as the villagers were busy preparing their flags and decorations. The village was gaily decorated and wore a lively appearance. Two triumphal arches were erected, and credit is due to Messrs E Felix, J Roberts, D Rees J Thomas and others for the manner in which they superintended the arrangements. About half past twelve the bridegroom and bride arrived in a carriage and pair, amidst the firing of guns, and other marks of rejoicing, and after a short stay proceeded to Machynlleth, and from thence to London, where they intend spending the honeymoon. Apples were distributed to the children by Mr John Roberts, Royal Oak, and various sports were enjoyed during the day. It was evident that Mr Davies was held in high esteem by his neighbours.

11 Sept 1874


To be sold by Auction at the Belle-Vue Hotel, Aberystwyth, on October 26th...
Ty'nllwyn, occupied by David Williams, 14a 1r 10p.
Llainbanal, Elizabeth Davies, 11a 2r 27p
Pantcoch, John Jones, 35a 2r 28p

18 Sept 1874


SCHOOL TREAT. By the kindness of Mr H C Fryer the children of the Board schools were treated to a trip to Borth one day last week. The number of children was 250, and the number who sat down to tea was 450 parents and children. This large party was conveyed to Borth in carts wagons and other conveyences lent by the neighbouring farmers, there being eight wagons, eleven carts and two carriages, and the procession was consequently a very long one. Before starting home again the children were supplied with cake and ginger beer, and during the day there were sports of different kinds at which small prizes were given, superintended by Mr Fryer. Speeches were delivered by Mr Davies, Erglodd, Mr Jones, Pantcoch, Mr Griffiths, Taliesin, and Mr Jones, Carreg y Callenen thanking and praising Mr Fryer and the Gogerddan family. Mr Fryer returned thanks and gave some good advice to the children. This part of the proceedings was brought to a close by hearty cheers to Mr and Mrs Fryer. The trip caused a great deal of interest in the neighbourhood, and great praise is due to all those who in any way contributed towards the success of the excursion. Mr Richard Morris, the Master of the school, was of course present, and assisted in the arduous undertaking.

2 Oct 1874


ACCIDENT. One day last week as John Howell, a little boy, was assisting the hostler at the Roman Mines, Tre'rddol, a horse kicked him, so violently that his leg was broken in two, and his arm in three places. Dr Rowlands, of Goginan, was called in and the lad is progressing as well as can be expected.

30 Oct 1874


A New Definition. The Schoolmaster of the Taliesin Board School sent in an account of £2-0-4d due to him as fees for the education of pauper children. Amongst the remarks it was stated that the attendence was very irregular and learning "hardly nothing". This unfortunate state of things referred to three children.

20 Nov 1874


A sale of freehold property was held at the Bellevue Hotel by Mr G T Smith...Ty'nllwyn Farm with its timber was the first lot, and was obtained by Sir Pryse Pryse for £717. Lot 2, Llainfanal, to the Lord Bishop of St Davids for £530, Lot 3 Pantcoch, to Sir Pryse Pryse for £1300, including the timber growing on the land.

11 Dec 1874


A USEFUL CLUB. The Poor Women's Club of Tre'rddol, Taliesin, and the surrounding neighbourhood, is in a most flourishing condition, under the superintendence of Mrs Halford, Although this lady has left the neighbourhood, the club still shews the interest she takes in the welfare and happiness of the poor. Mrs Jones, Erglodd, kindly acts as treasurer. On Thursday, Dec 3, the annual distribution of tickets to members took place at the schoolroom in this village, amounting to 85 in number, in exchange for which each member obtained a certain quantity of warm clothing against the cold winter days. The goods were very suitably supplied by Mr J H Edwards, tailor and draper, Aberystwyth.
(NLW Meicroffilm)

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